Critical Power Services
Since 1982
Since 1982
As all battery manufacturers acknowledge, and all insurance carriers recommend, the IEEE stationary battery Standards or Recommended Practices are the "GOLD" standards to follow if you want to assure that your battery will function as required if called upon. We adhere to all recommendations in each respective IEEE Standard or Recommended Practice, as well as all requirements from the various battery manufacturers to ensure that their warranty requirements are met.
The NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation) PRC-005 was created to assure the reliability of the North American bulk power system. NERC develops and enforces Reliability Standards for the respective users to follow in order to prove that each entity is able to perform as expected. Our technicians are trained to properly perform the inspections and testing to meet any of the PRC-005 requirements.
Battery Research & Testing offers a full range of battery services to a wide variety of customers providing dc power services for telecommunications, power generation, data centers, manufacturing and military installations.
Stationary Battery Experts